Saturday, October 10, 2009

Toilet Bowl Buying Guide

Toilets come in a number of styles, colours, and prices, but how efficient the flushing of the toilet bowl has nothing to do with these factors. Because our Malaysian law now stipulates that new toilets must use no more than 6 Litres of water per flush—compared with the 9 Litres used by older models—a reliable toilet will be one that generates enough power to clean the bowl.

Toilets come in one- or two-piece construction. Two-piece toilets employ a separate tank and bowl. One-piece toilets, also called "low profile," merge the tank and bowl into a single unit. A two-piece model will cost less, but a one-piece toilet is easier to clean because it does not have the crevice between the tank and the bowl.

Before shopping, be sure to measure the "rough-in," or the distance from the wall to the center of the toilet drain. Common "rough-in" are 300mm, 250mm and 200mm. In some cases, you might encounter 450mm or to the extend of 540mm "rough-in". Therefore, it is advisable to know the "rough-in" of your existing toilet bowl before going shopping for one.

One Piece
Two Piece

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